The High Peaks Alliance’s Recreation Ranger stewards some of the most breathtaking landscapes in our region, including the Perham Stream Birding Trail, the Fly Rod Crosby Trail, and the State of Maine’s Bigelow Preserve.

Updates from Matt
In the last few weeks, I have enjoyed scenic autumn drives throughout the Flagstaff region where I’ve seen evidence of increased usage most likely due to the changing foliage.
At Round Barn Campground, I discovered a seemingly abandoned half-ish mile section of the Safford Brook Trail which I opened back up by clearing blow-downs and lopping back overgrowth. Now hikers have a trail directly to the AT on the Bigelows from Round Barn instead of walking the gravel access road to the current trailhead.
I have spent time, when the weather allows, improving the curb appeal of BPL trailheads in the Flagstaff area by staining kiosks and replacing old signage.
Back at the Perham Stream Birding Trail, I have begun clearing back overgrowth to make passage easier for hikers and (arguably more importantly) to keep Carson from getting slapped by pesky balsam fir boughs. Soon, I will be replacing decrepit sections on the fence at the trailhead.
Speaking of Perham Stream, there are now six new Leopold Benches that were constructed by Brent, his father, and I today offering several nice places to take a little breather while taking in the scenery. I’m really looking forward to savoring the rest of my fieldwork in autumn before the snow starts to fall so I’ll continue to scramble to wrap up my outside to-do list.