The High Peaks Alliance’s Recreation Ranger stewards some of the most breathtaking landscapes in our region, including the Perham Stream Birding Trail, the Fly Rod Crosby Trail, and the State of Maine’s Bigelow Preserve.

Updates from Matt
This week I introduced myself to BPL staff in Farmington and was given a tour of campsites in the Flagstaff region that I will be tasked with maintaining.
With the help of Lloyd Griscom and his ATV, I ventured to the Orebeton Cascades to scout out a potential hiking trail to bring hikers from the road closer to the streambanks. Lloyd also drove me out to the South Side trailhead at the foot of Mt. Abraham to check out the condition of the roads and bridges along the way.
The December flooding event has profoundly impacted off-road conditions in the region and will likely be an obstacle for the upcoming trail season.
I also made it down to Caribou Pond to check out road and trail conditions in the area and hiked up towards Mt. Redington to observe trail conditions on a lesser-known route up the mountain.
I closed out my week by clearing a section of the Fly Rod Crosby Trail with Brent near Reeds Mill where we removed blowdowns and defined the trail corridor by trimming back excessive vegetation.
Picture: Matt & Brent ready to maintain the Fly Rod Crosby Trail