The Maine High Peaks Region is home to many local businesses that are supported by the region’s abundant natural resources and diverse outdoor recreation opportunities. Fly Shops, Sporting Equipment Stores, Resturants, and Resorts all come together to enable visitors and residents to take full advantage of everything the High Peaks have to offer.
The High Peaks Alliance works to build partnerships between diverse conservation and outdoor recreation interests to maintain and enhance outdoor recreation opportunities. Naturally, we have reached out to local businesses and they have taken an interest in our mission. Together we have introduced the raffle!
Have you been looking to get your hands on some high-quality merchandise or just want an excuse to help fund one of your favorite conservation organizations? Then consider checking out our raffle!
Ticket drawings will take place this fall. All proceeds will go towards High Peaks Alliance’s mission of promoting and enhancing traditional recreational access and conservation in the High Peaks region of Maine. Each ticket gives the purchaser a chance to win one of three prizes:
Two High Peaks Area Businesses have contributed to this raffle by donating prizes. The Universal Tube Fly Tying Method kit has been donated by Chandler Pond Outfitters, just off Route 4 through Farmington. Chandler Pond Outfitters is a fairly new business, specializing in the sale of Fly Fishing accessories and Fly Tying Equipment.
We also have a pair of high-quality Leki Hiking poles donated by the Ecopelagicon Nature Store off Pond Street in Rangeley, Maine. The Ecopelagicon offers a wide variety of nature themed books, gifts, and hiking and paddling supplies. Also prominent in the store’s shelves are locally produced goods and regional maps and guidebooks.
If you would like to buy a Raffle Ticket, check us out at local celebrations and events all over the High Peaks Region for this Summer and Fall. You can also find our tickets for sale at the following local retailers:
Chandler Pond Outfitters (Starting this Friday)
–108 Fairbanks Rd Farmington, ME
The White Elephant
— 26 S Main St, Strong, ME 04983
Village Scrub Board
–2391 Main St, Rangeley, ME 04970
Video Habits
–2391 Main St, Rangeley, ME 04970
— 7 Pond St, Rangeley, ME 04970